Tuesday, November 30, 2010

10 reasons why eating in a buffet is similar to playing cricket

Yes. A pretty vague comparison. But if you look at it in-depth, you will realize that going for a team buffet is very similar to playing a cricket match. And here’s why…

In cricket...

In a buffet…


The team-split between batsmen, bowlers and all-rounders

The split is between grass-eating veggies and non-veggies who only eat something that walks, crawls, swims or flies on earth. The fence-sitters are the ones who hog on both well enough.


The Abdomen Guard

Your guard is a paper towel – used around the same area to ensure that you are not mistaken for having an awry bathroom break


Taking stance to observe the field

Doing a quick survey of what food is present in the buffet so you can plan accordingly


The cautious opening to not lose your wicket

Ensuring you don’t eat only the starters and fill your stomach


Running the quick singles but saving energy with boundaries

Taking quick trips to take any good item twice but stocking up on two big plates so you don’t have to leave your seat often


Placing in the gaps for maximum benefit

Ensuring the correct distribution of food in the stomach so it can take in more


The bonus free hit

The complimentary mock-tail that is thrown in sometimes


The slog overs before the innings-end

The dessert round where you go for the kill because the buffet is going to end


The commentators. And the general public

The been-there-done-that folks who have already visited the restaurant passing expert comments on the food! And those ala-carte folks who are sitting around you passing comments on your eating capacity.


The umpire who finally gives you out

The waiter who gives you the bad news in the form of the bill

Any more similarities, please ensure you update them in the comments section...

Thursday, November 04, 2010

Diwali Wishes...

Alpha beta gamma,
We might be hosting Obama...

Theta Delta Epsilon,
Rain or shine shall pile on...

Kappa Lambda Mu,
Firecrackers, sweets and dresses new...

Sigma Rho Phi,
Diwali wishes and happiness sky high...

Omega Psi Chi,
Celebrated best at Chennai :)
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